OUR goal
We want to have a training facility by the year 2024~2025.
Fundraising Goal: 250K
We are raising the fund for:
a) Training facility 3000~5000 sq ft space for Muay Thai, BJJ and Fitness Training
b) Equipment: Muay Thai equipment, boxing ring and fitness equipment
c) Hire full-time staff and coaches

1) safe space:
We aim to create a welcoming, queer-friendly space where community members can bring themselves fully into martial arts and engage authentically. We want to create a space of belonging, where everyone feels supported, respected and represented in our staff and sport! We hope to make our gym a place of community gathering, where we will consistently uplift one another.
Our ground rules are rooted in respect and support so that we continuously build a community that uplifts and encourages everyone that steps through our doors.

Leadership and staff shape the sport and we want to be part of increasing opportunities for women and non binary leaders and coaches. Representation serves as an opportunity to build community support and validation.
We want our staff to be reflective of the community we serve and to promote equity across the board.